Today more than ever, we need all the nutrients from food to keep up with the lifestyle we lead. Often there is little time and money and the ability to prepare nutrient-rich foods does not guarantee that we always have the nutrition they really need.
This whole food, liquid formula concentrate is packed with a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals in just a single tablespoon. Nutrients are most useful when they’re completely absorbed into your bloodstream. Studies reveal that only 10-20% of the nutrients in pills or tablets are absorbed into the body compared to 98% of our liquid formula. So put back the pills and absorb up to 88% more nutrients with Iaso™ Nutra Burst™.
Iaso Tea is formulated to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify your body while helping to experience weight loss. Iaso Tea provides your body essential enzymes, which are often destroyed by the process of digestion.
You change your car filter every 3 to 6 months so…..
Think of the Iaso Teas as a filter for your life!!!
What does it Filter?
Toxins, chemicals, hormones and pesticides that we are exposed in the food we eat and the air we breathe.
Clean and purifies your organs
Clean and purify your blood
Clean and purify your digestive system
Purify your respiratory system
Purify your whole body
Supplement for a month! Just 8 ounces of this mild tea twice daily can provide you with dramatic results. You will soon find out why many call this amazing drink a “miracle tea”.
The post Healthy Combo Package appeared first on Felicia Starks Nutrition and Wellness Stop.